Docket: the Brazilian startup providing “cutting-edge solutions” to help businesses manage their documents

By September 28, 2018

Recently voted the 4th most attractive Brazilian startup to work for by LinkedIn, Docket is the online platform that allows for fast and affordable document registrations. As a business, its three main aims are to facilitate finding, managing and analysing documents.

Having received acceleration from Google Launchpad, the three-person team that started out in 2016 as a co-working space for a bank and a construction company now boasts a workforce of over 100. spoke to the team’s CEO, Chief of Operations and Chief Technology Officer to find out more.

Startup Docket Brazil

The need for a service such as Docket’s came from bureaucratic problems that often make dealing with paperwork and documents a slow – and sometimes painful – process, not just in developing countries such as Brazil, but all over the world. These problems “make up part of the development process of each country,” Flávio Castaldi, Docket’s Chief Operations Officer pointed out.

“In Brazil, the legal world and the paperwork necessary for different processes are extremely complex,” said Docket CEO Pedro Roso, explaining where the demand for a startup like Docket came from. “Companies take days or even months to obtain a document and, as a result, contracts or operations are delayed, generating financial losses and bottlenecks,” he added.

“Companies need to obtain different types of documents… and these documents must be obtained within days, or sometimes even hours, in an organised way, with the best control and information quality… Today, through the products we develop, we offer the possibility to streamline the process by which we obtain documents and reduce these challenges,” he said, outlining Docket’s ability to make the process up to 95% quicker.

Through Docket’s platform, clients are free to request over 160 types of documents, saving the time they would have originally spent searching for them. They are also able to manage and monitor these documents, as well as carry out an automatic analysis of them through the use of artificial intelligence.  

Docket’s CEO describes its current client portfolio as “diverse,” explaining that the startup works with both medium-sized businesses and some of the biggest in Brazil, all with a common “demand for documents that should be issued and consulted in different public bodies.” Sectors that Docket deals with include banking, agribusiness, insurance, telephony, shopping, security, base industries, finance, consulting and energy.

“We work very closely with the legal, regularisation, commercial and back office teams. These are usually the areas of the company most impacted by the slowness of the processes and that need an agile, scalable and automatic way of carrying out tasks,” Roso told “With our help, they stop time being wasted through looking for and managing documents.”

Besides artificial intelligence, Docket also uses machine learning “to bring…clients income and efficiency.” When asked how far this technology could go, Chief Technology Officer Rodrigo Lopes responded, “there is a lot to be done in this area, but we must start with simple applications that help to streamline and bring more productivity, above all for processes that are very repetitive.”

However, when it comes to expanding the business abroad, the Docket team intend to stay firmly put in Brazil, where they plan to devote their full attention for the time being. “Our objective is to continue improving our products and, for this reason, we have a well-defined roadmap for the next 12 months, which includes the acceleration of processes for our clients so that they can close business quickly,” detailed CEO Roso.  

With efforts focused on perfecting their service in their home country for now, Roso spoke of plans for the short term; “We are going to improve our product even more in order to make client experiences easier… we have lots of upcoming news, not just in the product features that already exist, but also in the development of new platforms.”

In a nutshell, Docket’s focus “is to bring cutting-edge solutions for our clients,” he concluded.

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